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One of the best things about utilizing polls to gauge opinion is that they do not require a lot of effort on the part of the person being polled, if they are done the right way. If they are not long or involved, it can take a matter of seconds to fill out a poll and feel that an opinion has been heard. This is exactly why polls on Twitter among the best tools that can be developed because both polls and Twitter in general allow individuals to share their opinion quickly and without much involvement or time-consumption.
Another great aspect of the new Twitter Polls feature is that they can cover a variety of different subject matters. That means that virtually any page or any poll can garner feedback in just a few seconds and they can cover any subject matter that an individual wants or needs. As a result, Twitter Polls have an amazing array of applications. They can be used on pages that are geared toward the personal and the professional. They can cover world topics or local trends. Literally, any topic that stays within the realm of the Twitter policy can see a poll that covers that topics. As such, their applications are wide and they are impressive in their reach.